What We Do

Anthem is here to support young people in Wales to make, learn and celebrate music, and to experience the life-changing benefits that brings.

We support them, and those who work with them through funding, partnerships and initiatives.

Here’s what we are up to at the moment.

Anthem FFWD>>

Anthem FFWD>> gives young people a space to explore music industry and a voice to influence key issues around music and young people in Wales. 


A key part of Anthem’s work is to lobby for and lead research into the impact of music for young people in Wales. Read our consultation reports and find other relevant research here.

Apply for funding

Anthem offers funding to support organisations to run music making projects or create music career progression opportunities in Wales.

Amplify Podcast

Amplify explores the value of music for young people and meets the musicians and organisations who devote their time to improving young people’s lives through music in Wales. 

Anthem gateway

The Anthem Gateway is a resource exploring music industry in Wales created by young creatives for young people in Wales.

Anthem news

Check out the latest Anthem news right here.

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something big

Support Anthem and Donate

With your gift you are supporting our shared vision, to create a
Wales in which music can empower every young life.